Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 2: Meaning Behind My Blog Name

So, it took me a while to come up with this blog name....and I know it is not completely original, considering it is the title to a PINK Cd. and all....but out of all of  the words I could think about, I truly felt as though MISUNDERSTOOD is probably the one word that describes how I feel when it comes to most people. I really feel as though even the closest people to me misunderstand me, or take me for someone I am not. Yes, I have caused some misunderstanding and certain ways people look at me, but other than that people misunderstand me in the craziest ways, and it really bothers me because for the most part, I truly feel as though there is not a whole lot to me. I am not a mysterious person. I am very honest, more so NOW than ever, and I am really not all that hard to figure out....But, for some reason....people just dont get it. I have never seen myself as plain or maybe this is the start of people's confusion...and what I mean by this, is that I have always envisioned myself doing GREAT things in life. Not to say, that ordinary people dont envision themselves doing great things in life....but I have always felt maybe that is my problem right there. Maybe if I see myself as different than alot of people then, maybe others are confused by me because they feel the same way?? hmmm. interesting to think about.

What I mean by "different"...I have never been the type of person to ever want to conform to anything. I do my thing, you do your thing, and if our paths cross, great....thats my attitude. I am a very sensitve person that cares deeply for other people, but at the same time I really cant be bothered and messed around with or I will drop you for life. But, then if I "drop you" this does not mean I will not forgive you...this just means that I cant associate with people that would disrespect me and not treat me how I deserve to be treated. I treat people with respect and go out of my way for other people, and I feel as though if you cannot do the same thing for me, as I do for you, then you do not deserve my company...because I deserve more than that....

So, as you can see...I am a little deeper than just saying, yup, I am a good person that would do anything for others, even if they skrew me over...the end. Nope...I think things through before I act and before I say anything. For the most part, I am laid back and try not to stress over too much....For some reason, one thing that really bothers me, is that many people seem to be afraid to tell me the truth about things....I am a TRUTH driven person...I am a big girl..I can handle the truth. Yes, I may not like it, and I may be hurt, but the truth is I FULLY respect someone SO much more when they can of course, in a kind voice tell me the truth about ANYTHING on their mind. When someone lies to me about ANYTHING this is the ultimate form of dis-respect in my eyes, especially after learning my fair share through doing this to other people...I could never lie to anyone about anything now that I have grown up, and I dont accept anyone lying to me...this is one of the BIGGEST misunderstanding people make about me, that 1.) I am not approachable when it comes to telling me the truth or 2,) that I cannot handle people telling me the truth about things that may hurt or 3.) I am not strong enough to handle honestly.

these are all the BIGGEST misunderstandings you can make about if you take anything away from this, know I am an HONEST person who deserves honesty from others, even if it hurts...I respect someone so much more for telling me the truth when it hurts rather than lying to me to keep "hurtful" things away from me...I can handle it, so just be honest with yourself and ME and I will be fine!! Also, I am a strong person...I can handle almost anything and have been through almost everything. Also another common misunderstanding...I am NO fool. IF someone is not telling me the truth about things, I usually know...but I dont like to embarrass others with their stupidity, so I ususally will not say anything unless it warrants some confrontation....usually if I know you are lying to me, which 99% of the time I can guarantee I do, I probably will not say anything as long as it is not going to hurt myself or anyone else. Get that straight as well! :)

So, with that name is misunderstood because I feel misunderstood everyday of my life!!! Hopefully these blogs will straighten some things out!! :)

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